RADYO is the MOST advanced mobile radio application in galaxy. Besides the custom radio stations (including almost all countries and all the states of US), RADYO is also an official SHOUTcast™ partner. RADYO localizes itself into 8 different languages immediately! RADYO has a free version too which even records for free! You may try it now
You are about to get the most advanced mobile radio application (which is also the only application that supports 4 ways to share your recordings) and have an extraordinary radio experience! Record, Listen, Share, Chat, convert recordings into Ringtones and Have fun!
RADYO is the fastest way to reach to your station with a SINGLE touch without digging and redownloading station lists infinitely!We are continuously inspecting and improving user experience on the application.We do not just make applications but also try to innovate.Thank you for your great cooperation!RADYO is very easy to discover and learn with it's new dynamic introduction tour mode
*It is not possible to list them all here,visit the site for more and see why RADYO is the most advanced mobile radiontertainment application
-Unmatched,recording and sharing!Listen to your station as long as you want,record and play it wherever you are. (All recordings are automatically converted and saved in compressed format as this maximizes the recording duration!)
-Play recordings continuously one after another automatically!
-Automatic continuous recording mode!RADYO will automatically record the stations you listen and it will continue to record and organize EVEN you CHANGE the station!(Tap and hold the record button)
-Traffic mode!RADYO will manage the level of the volume according to your speed!(when you stop at the lights with the windows wide open and don't want to bother others or distract your attention!)(requires GPS)
-Automatic recording or playing.Scheduled and repeatable alarm clock which you can even set it to "silently" record and stop after a duration!(iOS4.0+) Repeating alarms can be now be set and these alarms may also notify you even the application is totally closed
-Badge and achievement system!Complete the missions,get your badges and auto-announce to your friends!
-Full automatic and permanently cacheable station list update services
-SHOUTcast™ Internet Radio support as an official partner(SHOUTcast™ Internet Radio support is included both in the FREE version and the full version without “any” limits!If you just want to listen SHOUTcast™ you can use free version of RADYO with no hidden costs)
-Automatic Volume Control(AVL,ALC,AVC,AGC)!
-TV Info screen!
-Precise list slider mechanism.
-Works in background and allows AirPlay on supported platforms
-Bluetooth headset support(OS3.1+)
-Custom stations in nearly all formats!
-Option to start(stop) the radio automatically when Headphone/Audio cable is (un)plugged
-Swipe finger to the right/left to add to/remove from favorites
-Battery+usage management+estimated usable duration+dynamic bitrate display
-Add stations to the Home Screen of the device!
-Scheduled+repeatable alarm/sleep timer+silent recording
-Instant messaging with all RADYO users
-Integrated browser
-Dynamic filtering(even on favorites)
-Smart station change
-Shake to change
-Auto-mute by flipping the device
-Autoplay last station,move between listened 100 stations and see the song history
EN kapsamlı Türkiye Radyoları ve dünyadaki en gelişmiş mobil radyo uygulamasıdır.2009 yılından beri yerli/yabancı pek çok uygulamaya örnek olan RADYO,bu sürümle beraber çıtayı yükseltiyor ve yerli/yabancı radyo uygulamaları içerisinde,tekrar,en gelişmiş özelliklere sahip mobil radyo uygulaması oluyor.RADYO'nun en iyi ve en son sürümü!Ne yazık ki bu dar alana RADYO'nun tüm özelliklerini sığdıramıyoruz.Detaylar için lütfen, uygulamanın ücretsiz sürümüne ya da resmi internet sayfasına göz atın.
What's new in Version 5.3
🌟 NEW FEATURES! [EN - Türkçe aşağıda]
🎵 New RADYO Upgrade Package: Ringtone Designer. Create your own ringtones from iPod, Microphone or your radio recordings!
🎵 Alarm Type is added to the alarm clock feature. ("Notification Only", "Active Playing + Notif")
🎵 Alarm Control feature is added. This feature will let you know that the alarm clock is active on the locked screen! (if "Active Playing + Notif" alarm type is selected)
👍 RESOLVED Situations
▶ We hate writing just 'Bugfix'. Here are the resolved situations:👇
✔ RADYO was autostarting in situations where it shouldn't have.
✔ A disturbing flash effect was appearing while opening the list of recorded broadcasts.
✔ Rarely, radio was playing along with the record player.
✔ Custom station editing screen was sometimes causing the application close unintentionally.
✔ Chat box was not appearing on devices prior to iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G
PS: Help documents related to ringtone designer, can also easily be reached at http://iphoneradyo.com/how-to-create-ringtone
🌟 YENİ ÖZELLİKLER [TR - English above]
🎵 Yeni RADYO Güçlendirme Paketi: Zil Sesi Tasarlayıcı. Kendi zil sesinizi kendiniz yapın! iPod'dan, Mikrofondan, Radyo kayıtlarınızdan!
🎵 Alarm özelliğine "Alarm Türü" eklendi. ("Sadece Uyarı", "Uyarı + Aktif Oynatım")
🎵 Alarm Kontrol özelliği eklendi. "Uyarı + Aktif Oynatım" alarm türü seçiliyse ve herhangi bir kanalın çalmadığı zamanlarda, kilit ekranındaki görsel üzerinde de alarmın aktif olduğu hatırlatılır.
▶ Sadece "'Bugfix' yapıldı, sorunlar düzeltildi" demeyi sevmiyoruz. İşte düzeltilenler:👇
✔ RADYO çalışmıyor olsa bile, bir telefon çağrısı geldiğinde, uyarı merkezi açıldığında, SMS geldiğinde RADYO otomatik olarak tekrar başlıyordu.
✔ Kayıt listeleme ekranı açılırken, animasyon öncesinde nadiren flaş efekti görülüyordu.
✔ Kayıtlar dinlenirken, bazı durumlarda radyo da aynı anda devreye giriyordu.
✔ Elle eklenen özel kanallar tekrar düzenlenmek istendiğinde, düzenleme tamamlandıktan sonra uygulama beklenmedik şekilde sonlanabiliyordu.(5.2)
✔ iPhone 3GS ve iPod Touch 3G öncesinde çıkan cihazlarda, sohbet platformunda mesaj kutusu görünmüyordu.
NOT: Zil sesi tasarlayıcıyla ilgili yardım dökümanlarına, http://iphoneradyo.com/zil-sesi-nasil-yapilir adresinden de ulaşabilirsiniz.
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Seller: cahit cercioglu
© Cahit Cercioglu
LANGUAGES: English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
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