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MatchDrops ipa v1.0

MatchDrops is a game to exercise and test your memory and concentration. A sequence of colored balloons will appear. You will have a few seconds to memorize the color sequence. After a few seconds colored balloons will float across the screen from two directions forming two out of phase sine waves to the tune of Johan Strauss II's "Blue Danube".

The music and pattern of the balloons are designed to make you forget the sequence that you are supposed to remember.

Pop the colored balloons in the order of the sequence you memorized. After you pop the sequence, a new sequence will appear with one more balloon than the last sequence. The number of balloons to memorize will increase 2,3,4... over time.

Game sequences last 60 seconds. One point is awarded for each correct color in a sequence. One point is deducted for each incorrect color. When an incorrect color is popped, you must pop the entire sequence over in order.

High and low scores are tracked. Negative scores are possible.

As you get better, you can increase the number of balloons to memorize at the beginning of the game.

There is also an option to not increase the number of balloons. This is typically done for beginners or young children.

MatchDrops is a fun game for the entire family to pass around and see who can get the highest score.

Its also fun to have one person memorize the first half of the sequence and a second person memorize the other half. This is probably the only way to max out the number of sequence balloons to memorize.

Works on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Version: 1.0
4.3 MB
Seller: Tim Hayes

© 2011 Tim Hayes


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later


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